I dedicate this blog to everyone out there that walks in my shoes. The night before your birthday. Another year older, some things have changed while others remain the same. My life as I knew it will never be the same. We don't know what to expect in our journey thru life. Nor do we have the control. I will be blessed with texts and phone calls from my boys Mitchell and Greg wishing me a wonderful birthday and I hope you are having a great day. Can't wait for dinner tonight for you! However the 6 am text from Ben my child who watches over us from Heaven will not arrive tomorrow. The text thru out the day from him "Hope your having a good day !" Dinner tomorrow night with my sons Mitchell and Greg , a chair will always remain empty.
But my friends the pain in my heart will be there forever as a piece of my heart left this earth with him. I am so blessed for everything I do have in my life. I have three of the most amazing boys whom my love is endless for each of them. I am so very proud of Mitchell and Greg whom I know everyday have those feeling of emptiness and pain in silence in their hearts who carry themselves everyday with their warm smiles and caring ways to everyone thru out their day while some do not know their story.
This next year of my life I will continue to move forward and count my blessing for what I have and be thankful for all the love I have in my life from so many.
Ben, Mitchell and Greg you truly are the loves of my life and every breath I take on this earth you make my life a little bit easier with all your love. I encourage everyone to make the most of your life and start today!